5 Awesome Ways To Increase Your Conversion Rate With Social Media

social media for ecommerce
If you use social media marketing tactics correctly you can see some awesome results in your conversion rate. When done well social media marketing helps you reach your customers and potential new customers in fun new ways. You get to have a different kind of conversation with your social media followers than you might have with a customer leaving a review or email. Depending on what tactics you’re currently using you may not have to change much about your approach at all. It all depends on what you’re doing right now, and what your goals for your conversion rate are in the future. Social media, when done with an expert touch, can be your best friend in reaching your conversion rate goals. When you go into selling on Amazon or another e-commerce site you’re already demonstrating a knack for making online tools work for you. Social media isn’t anything new, but you need to continue to find new ways to use it in order to get more customers to convert. There are also tips out there from SEO agencies to digital marketing gurus to help you along the way. Here are five awesome ways to increase your conversion rate using social media.

1. Make Sure Your Posts Are Mobile Friendly

You’re already using a selling platform that’s going to be optimized with mobile users in mind so you don’t have to worry about your website being mobile-friendly. Since you’re selling on Amazon (or a similar platform) your site is already going to be a friendly shopping experience for mobile users. The same thing needs to apply to your social media posts. While most social media platforms have apps that will optimize posts to a point, you are still going to have to make an effort to adjust your posts accordingly. In the US, 61% of social media users report that they access their preferred social media platforms from a mobile app. You can’t afford to miss out on the conversion rate potential there. When you’re posting make sure you aren’t doing anything that will frustrate a mobile user. If your posts are too long to easily read, that’s going to be an issue. If you have to post something long, make sure the most important information falls before a mobile user would have to click “read more.” Keep mobile users in mind every single time you post. They’re your biggest potential new customer base.

2. Be Smart About Calls To Action

Have you ever seen a post from a brand where they followed up a pretty exciting post with the phrase “link in bio?” Did you go to the bio or did you keep scrolling? Chances are, you kept scrolling and didn’t think about that post again. Asking customers to click a link in your bio is a call to action, true, but it’s not a smart one. Recently there’s been some evidence supporting the theory that Instagram has started penalizing the phrase “link in bio” within its algorithm. If that phrase is being counted as spam it’s going to hurt your post stats and potential reach even more than just using an unimaginative call to action normally would. Instead of relying on outdated strategies like this, it’s time to be smarter about your calls to action. Create a hashtag to encourage customers to show off their new purchase, ask them to tag a friend that would love your item, or you could even suggest they show off a unique way they’re using what they bought with a video. Whatever your call to action strategy is, make sure it’s something creative and engaging. When you use them well a call to action can increase brand awareness and engagement rates on social media at the same time. Since both things can make your social media efforts result in higher conversion rates you can’t rely on boring calls to action to bring results.

3. Use Videos In Your Posts

Videos are the biggest way to get your posts in front of new people. Posts with videos garner far more attention than a plain text post will. For that reason, you need to incorporate videos into your posts as much as possible. It doesn’t mean you have to force a video for every post but it’s something you should use often. Posts with videos are 1200% more likely to be shared around a social media platform than plain text posts or posts with images combined. That’s a huge number you can’t afford to ignore. You need to cater to that and make at least a few videos you can post. Product demos, DIY videos related to your product, or tutorials are all great ways to add videos to your posts.

4. Create Enticing Posts Every Time

By default, social media users are going to scroll through their feed without always paying close attention to what they’re scrolling past. If your posts are just unformatted walls of text it’s unlikely that a lot of people are going to stop scrolling to read the full post. Some may, but the majority are just going to scroll on by. While a scroll past your post might give you good impression statistics those aren’t going to mean much if you don’t maximize your chance to convert those impressions to sales. Create posts that make users want to stop and read. Format them well and include images or videos that are eye-catching. Don’t miss out on any chance to get someone to stop and pay attention.

5. Represent Yourself Consistently

If you’re talking to your customers on social media they should experience the same kind of person they’d get if they were to email you about a problem with their order. Your personal brand should be consistent across all platforms. A customer isn’t going to be very reassured about continuing to shop with you if you’re wildly inconsistent with every interaction. Make sure your strategy for social media fits who you are as a person and what your brand represents. Each post should make sense for you and what you’re trying to accomplish. Don’t miss a chance to increase your conversion rate by trying to be someone you aren’t on social media. It will just create an inconsistent feel for customers and that won’t end well for you.


Converting your social media traffic into sales isn’t something that has to be overly difficult. If you keep these tips in mind you’ll be able to make smart adjustments to your current strategy and maximize your social media efforts. You don’t have to get so overwhelmed by social media that you cease your efforts altogether. It just takes a few small tweaks to get the most out of your efforts. It will be worth any headache it might cause when you see your new profits.